In recent years, natural disasters (earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, ice, floods, hurricanes, fires, mine disasters, etc.) have occurred frequently, causing major losses to people's lives and property. In emergency rescue activities, various types of rescue vehicles have played an important role. How should enterprises and institutions pay attention to how to purchase emergency vehicles and rescue vehicles? What kind of configuration of emergency vehicles to buy more to the first time the loss to a minimum?
The main categories and models of existing emergency vehicles and rescue vehicles are the following:
Power cable emergency detection vehicle: Transit, Iveco light passenger modification;
Electric emergency engineering vehicle: Transit, Iveco, Qingling II chassis modification
Emergency power generation lighting emergency engineering vehicle: Qingling 600P, 700P
Mine rescue engineering vehicle: Qingling 600P, 700P
Mine rescue command vehicle: Coster, Overbearing, Iveco
Emergency rescue command vehicle: Coster, Overbearing, Iveco
Emergency rescue vehicle: Qingling 600P, 700P
Fire rescue vehicle: The company now has all emergency vehicles in production
Flood prevention and drainage emergency vehicle: Qingling 600P, 700P
Flood control command vehicle: Coster, Overbearing, Iveco
Highway emergency power generation lighting command vehicle: pickup 4×2, 4×4 profit.
Changzhou Jinxin ARTS & CRAFTS Co.,Ltd ,