Photosynthetically active radiation unit

Photosynthetic active radiation refers to the light wave of the specific wavelength range used by plants for photosynthesis. In English, it is Photosynthetic Active Radiation, abbreviated as PAR. The unit of photosynthetically active radiation is micromoles per square meter per second, expressed in English as μmol/m2*s. There are also several units that represent photosynthetically active radiation: micro Einsteins, Footcandles, open streams W/m2, and Luminosity Lux. Although these units can express photosynthetically active radiation, there is no conversion relationship between them in practical applications. Because these photosynthetically active radiation units describe photosynthetically active radiation at different levels and in different aspects. If W/m2 is the total solar radiation, light waves of 400-1100 nm are measured. The μE measures a broad wave of 400-700 nm. It can be seen that different units have different ranges of measured light waves, so there is no comparison between them.

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