The jacks that are generally provided for cars are rack jacks, which are light and easy to use and are generally equipped by the manufacturer. The jacks for general cars are about 1.5 tons, and off-road vehicles usually reach about 2.5 tons. Therefore, large vehicles must not use the jacks of small cars to avoid potential safety hazards when servicing vehicles.
The correct use of jacks requires the vehicle to be parked, the handbrake pulled up, and the manual train to be engaged in the first gear or reverse gear, while the automatic car must be hung into the P gear. Also, be sure to use jacks on hard, flat roads. If it is a soft floor (mud or sandy road), use wood planks under the jack before use. To reduce the pressure, prevent the jack from falling into the soft ground.
Most car owners have never changed their spare tires by themselves, let alone how to use jacks. Usually, there is a special supporting point for the jack at the bottom of the vehicle body. The supporting point of the family car is usually on the inside of the side skirt, about 20 centimeters behind the front wheel, and about 20 centimeters in front of the rear wheel, which can withstand relatively large pressure. If the jack is supported on the steel plate of the chassis, it is likely to cause unnecessary damage to the chassis.
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